Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14th

Awww it's Valentines day how nice. I have been really bad and had been giving David a terrible time about never being a romantic. Not getting organised early and making sure he didn't have to go out the day before. I was actually prepared 2 days early. I was so proud of myself. Well Friday came and I thought it was the last day available so i said we could maybe go and get one of my lay-bys out and then go to dinner. As we passed the news agent I asked if he need to go in and he said yes that was a good idea. So i took the boys off to dinner. He showed up a few minutes later.

Saturday morning came and he very proudly handed me my card and a little Pandora bag. What a good boy. He got me the silver heart. I am very happy. I really shouldn't be so mean but I do love presents and I hate when he forgets.

Friday was a great day. Got to go to see a movie with some friends. Although Narelle had already seen the movie she was very happy to see it again. I enjoyed it immensely but anything can be fun with great company. Thanks girls.

Now Dan if you could read really fast I really want to get to the end so I can have my life back.

Kisses and hugs,

Friday, February 6, 2009

Well I just wanted to share with you my friends new arrival. She was born on the 1st of February. I hope I get to see her before she starts high school.

Jacqueline Elizabeth
7lb 15 oz
20 1/2 inches (50 cm)