Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hello Again

Wow how time seems to get away from me. It has been ages since I have blogged. Hope everyone is well and getting ready for the school holidays as much as I am.

Well I am planning to have a cooking day at my house on the first Tuesday of the holidays. I thought the kids could come and some cooking. They will make Pizzas and cookies and a few other things that have yet to be discussed. Well i hope you can join in the fun. Let me know so I can count numbers. On the second Tuesday it will hopefully be a bike track day if anyone is interested in joining us.

Well we had planned to go to Canberra this weekend to see the flowers but have put it off for another week due to the terrible weather they were going to have. I can deal with most weather except for the wind. Rain is terrible at an angle.

Well I think that is all for now. So looking forward to seeing New Moon in Novampire. Then we are off camping for a few days up the coast.
